Creates or updates the content and metadata for a specified object.
Etag | optional | MD5 checksum of your object's data. (stored in header) |
Content-Encoding | optional | Underlying media type of the compressed file. Stored in header. |
X-Object-Meta | optional | Container metadata. * represents the name of metadata. |
X-Delete-At | optional | Certain date, in the format of a Unix Epoch timestamp, when the object will be removed. Stored in header. |
X-Delete-After | optional | Certain date, in the format of a Unix Epoch timestamp, after which the object will be removed. Stored in header. |
x-emc-retention-period | optional | Retention period in seconds, -1 denotes infinity |
x-emc-retention-policy | optional | Retention policy |
X-Copy-From | optional | Source object which data should be copied from to the new created object |
Range | optional | Range to be updated |
Content-Disposition | optional | that specified the override behavior for the browser |
X-Object-Manifest | optional | Indicates that the empty object is a DLO manifest |
The following conditions must be met in order to call this operation.
The object must exist.
No Request Payload
ETag | always | ETag of the object after created/updated |
X-Copied-From-Last-Modified | optional | Last-modified time for the source object |
X-Copied-From | optional | Location where the object is copied from |
Content-Disposition | optional | that specified the override behavior for the browser |
Response indicating Success or Failure for this operation.